The Modified Barium Swallow (cont.)
The Procedure
Optimally, the
examination is performed with the patient in an upright position, either
sitting or standing.
The patient is first viewed in the lateral plane.
The fluoroscopic image
should be manually collimated to include the lips anteriorly, the cervical spine posteriorly, the hard palate superiorly, and the
cricopharyngeus muscle (upper esophageal sphincter) inferiorly.
The speech pathologist
attempts to feed the patient small amounts of "foods" of different
consistencies, such as thin liquid (barium), thick liquid (barium), and
applesauce, mashed potatoes, or pudding marked with barium. Progression to larger-sized
boluses depends on the patient's ability to handle the material without
airway penetration or aspiration. The patient may be given bites of
barium-coated cracker, chopped fruit, or bread to examine his/her ability
to masticate foods.
The variety of food
consistencies and volumes enables the speech pathologist to determine
which foods best match the patient's swallowing capabilities and to plan
individualized treatment strategies.
After the swallowing assessment in the lateral plane is completed, the
patient may be turned 90 degrees and viewed anteriorly to evaluate the symmetry of oral
and pharyngeal function during swallowing.
The fluoroscopic field of view (FOV) is
manually collimated to exclude unfiltered x-rays at the sides of the neck
which would degrade the image.
The cephalocaudad extent of the image should
be from the hard palate to the sterno-clavicular joints.
During this part of
the examination, the patient performs several swallows of thick barium while videofluoroscopy is done in the anteroposterior (AP) projection.
An important part of the
modified barium swallow exam is the assessment of rehabilitation
Once the patient's oral
and pharyngeal abnormalities are defined, compensatory and therapeutic
techniques can be tried, and their effects can be assessed under
With the application of
these techniques, the modified barium swallow is both an evaluative and
a rehabilitative procedure.
If the patient is capable of swallowing barium and food without significant airway
penetration or aspiration, the examination should not be concluded without
evaluation of the esophageal phase of swallowing. For outpatients, however, this must be performed on a different day because of insurance billing issues.
It should be noted that
referred symptoms are common and that esophageal disease is often manifested
by pharyngeal or even oropharyngeal symptoms.
One of the most frequent
reasons for failure to make a diagnosis in patients with swallowing
disorders is failure to fully assess the esophagus for inflammatory, neoplastic, reflux, or motility disorders. (Refer to the Barium Swallow
section for the technique of examining the esophagus).