Gastrointestinal Radiology > Procedures > Outline

Radiographic Procedures

The outline of the materials to be covered in this section:

  1. Barium Swallow
    1. Conventional Barium Esophagography (Barium Swallow)
    2. Modified Barium Swallow (Oral and Pharyngeal Function Study)

  2. Diagnosis of Food Impactions & Foreign Bodies in the Esophagus
  3. Upper G.I. Series;  
    1. Biphasic-Contrast Examination Using "Bubbly Barium"
    2. Single-contrast examination

  4. Small Bowel Follow-Through
  5. Enteroclysis
  6. Peroral Pneumocolon
  7. Barium Enema 
    1. Policy on Doing Barium Enemas Following Endoscopy +/- Biopsy 
    2. Types of Barium Enema
    3. Double-Contrast Examination of the Colon
    4. Single-Contrast Examination of the Colon
    5. Water Soluble Contrast Enema

  8. Colon Transit Time (Colonic Motility Test)

  9. Defecography (Evacuation Proctography)

  10. Oral Cholecystography (OCG)

  11. Postoperative Cholangiography (T-Tube Cholangiogram)

  12. Basic Excretory Urography (IVP)
    1. Protocol for Adults
    2. Protocol for Children < 12

  13. Inguinal Herniography (Positive Contrast Peritoneography)

  14. Vaginography

  15. Recommendations for Iodinated Contrast Use in Patients Taking the Drug Metformin (Glucophage)

  16. Therapeutic Procedures
    1. Feeding Tube Placement
    2. Treatment of Food Impactions and Foreign Bodies in the Esophagus
    3. Fluoroscopically Guided Balloon Dilation of G.I. Tract Strictures
    4. Self-Expanding Metal Stents for Treatment of Esophageal Strictures and Esophagorespiratory Fistulas