- Barium Swallow
- Conventional Barium Esophagography
(Barium Swallow)
- Modified Barium Swallow (Oral and
Pharyngeal Function Study)
- Diagnosis of Food Impactions &
Foreign Bodies in the Esophagus
- Upper G.I. Series;
- Biphasic-Contrast
Examination Using "Bubbly Barium"
- Single-contrast examination
- Small Bowel Follow-Through
- Enteroclysis
- Peroral Pneumocolon
- Barium Enema
- Policy on Doing Barium
Enemas Following Endoscopy +/- Biopsy
- Types of Barium Enema
- Double-Contrast Examination
of the Colon
- Single-Contrast Examination
of the Colon
- Water Soluble Contrast
- Colon Transit Time (Colonic Motility Test)
- Defecography (Evacuation Proctography)
- Oral Cholecystography (OCG)
- Postoperative Cholangiography (T-Tube
- Basic Excretory Urography (IVP)
- Protocol for Adults
- Protocol for Children < 12
- Inguinal Herniography (Positive Contrast
- Vaginography
- Recommendations for Iodinated Contrast
Use in Patients Taking the Drug Metformin (Glucophage)
- Therapeutic Procedures
- Feeding Tube Placement
- Treatment of Food Impactions and
Foreign Bodies in the Esophagus
- Fluoroscopically Guided Balloon
Dilation of G.I. Tract Strictures
- Self-Expanding Metal Stents for
Treatment of Esophageal Strictures and Esophagorespiratory